Time Will Tell: Reader Reviews

Oh to be young....Sometimes it's not all it's cracked up to be, especially for the working poor. For Macy, a teenager during the 1960's, life was a real challenge. In 1963, a two week vacation to California sounded too good to be true. Was it? In Time Will Tell, Linda Horton once again thrusts us into siutations where life isn't always fair and only the strong in spirit and heart survive. Ben Romero, author of The chicken Beaks series.

Linda Horton's first book, "Time & Again" introduced a spunky survivor. Macy Hayes was likeable and real. Time Will Tell fills in the blanks from age 15 to 30, answering some of the questions about how she was able to overcome and succeed. The sequel will envelope the reader into the teenager's life and set the stage for triumph. I've been waiting to get my hands on this book for two years and am pleased to recommend it. It lived up to my expectations, and was a fast and intriguing read. Grannie Greta, author of Comfort Foods and Potluck

This book opened my eyes and reminded me not everyone has a special
feeling when they think of the word Mother.? As Macy took the long,
hard roller coaster journey with a bipolar parent, she held on for
dear life, sometimes by the quick of her fingernails.

Thank God for the teacher who never gave up on her and encouraged her
to keep on riding but this time to put the dips and whips behind her
and become the architect of her own ride, as far away from the start
as she could but ending on a higher plain that she could ever dream
of. Vicki Ellis Griffis, co-author of Memories in Blue and White

...This is a story you won't forget. You will laugh and cry and hopefully remember the message that Macy gives to all of us... The Madera Tribune, July 24, 2006.

A Review From Amazon.com:
Time Will Tell

I LOVED Linda's new novel, Time Will Tell. The way she used the style of telling the story in the first person. At times,it was hard to remember that it was a novel and not an autobiography.
I was able to feel Macy's pain and heartaches as she tried her whole life to just once hear her mother say I love you. I found it inspirational and uplifting. A real boost to anyone with self-confidence issues. I can barely wait for the third installment to find out how Macy overcomes her need for the approval and love of a mother with Bi-polar disorder in a world before anyone had ever heard of it.
C. Smith "Carol" (Dallas, Texas)

A Review From Amazon.com:
Time Will Tell

Linda Horton has the talent as an author to draw the reader into the life of her characters, first with Time and Again, followed by this sequel, Time Will Tell. These coming of age novels celebrate the inner strength and fortitude of Macy Hayes and reminds us all that true strength is inward. I anxiously await another Horton novel.  M. A. West - Tyler, TX

A Review From Amazon.com:
Time Will Tell
What a great sequel to Time and Again. . .I couldn't put the book down when I started reading it. Linda did a great job with the continuation of the life of Macy. I will look forward to a third book. . .P. Fox - Hereford, TX

A Review From Amazon.com:
Time Will Tell

Oh, to be young...Sometimes it's not all it's cracked up to be, especially for the working poor. For Macy, a teenager during the 1960's, life was a real challenge. In 1963, a two-week vacation to California sounded too good to be true. Was it? In Time Will Tell, Linda Horton once again thrusts us into situations where life isn't always fair and only the strong in spirit and heart survive. This book is awesome.  Fresno, CA

A Review From Amazon.com:
Time Will Tell

For all of you "Linda Horton fans.....I must say that she's done it again! Her latest book, "Time Will Tell" is outstanding.
From the very beginning she captivates your total interest with all of Macy's escapades, daily survival techniques, unconditional faith in her growing search for friendships, true love and a sustainable future....A most fascinating and entertaining read. Kudos Linda!  J.Stanglin - Ft. Worth, TX